Watch the teaser trailer for VOICES CARRY having its World Premiere at Cinequest 2025

Jesus Figueroa
(Info from press release)

VOICES CARRY, the new thriller from writer/directors Abby Brenker and Ellyn Vander Wyden, will World Premiere as part of Cinequest 2025 this Saturday, March 15th. The celebrated San Jose film festival is proud to welcome the picture into the world, accompanied by a red carpet event and post-screening Q&A with the picture's cast and crew.

Looking for a new beginning, Sam and Jack leave Boston and move into Sam’s childhood home on a picturesque lake in New Hampshire. Despite the natural beauty and small-town charm, the couple struggles to adjust. Sam wrestles with her stagnant career and is forced to confront the traumatic events of her past.

Their uneasy transition becomes even more unsettling when Henry, a peculiar lifelong local and neighbor, raises suspicion. When Sam discovers a necklace she believes belonged to her late mother and an antique diary, she begins to suspect that the spirit of an ancestor is trying to reach her.

As the seasons pass, tension escalates. Sam starts sleepwalking, inexplicably drawn to the icy lake at night, and becomes consumed by the past. Her growing obsession drives Jack away, leaving her to face the bitter cold and isolation of winter entirely alone.

Public tickets to the film's World Premiere, which will occur this Saturday, March 15 at 3Below Theaters San Jose, are available here.

The film, written and directed by Abby Brenker and Ellyn Wander Wyden, stars Gia Crovatin, Jeff Ayars, Jeremy Holm, and Geraldine Singer and is produced by Jeff Ayars, Abby Brenker, Ellyn Vander Wyden, and Mauricio Vasquez.

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