@ThisFunktional talks with COMPLICATED’s Filmmaker Andrew Abrahams about Ehler’s-Danlos syndrome documentary (12 of 365)

Jesus Figueroa

Jesus Figueroa, @Thisfunktional of ThisFunktional.com, talks with Filmmaker Andrew Abrahams about Ehler’s-Danlos syndrome documentary, part of Slamdance Film Festival 2025 which will take place from February 20 – 26 with in-person screenings at the Director's Guild of America (DGA) and at the Quixote West Hollywood Studios, and available virtually on slamdancechannel.com from February 24 – March 7.

Film: In a time when the failures of healthcare are coming under scrutiny, “Complicated” tells the poignant story of kids with complicated illness suffering at the margins of mainstream medicine—and their parents who risk losing them if they go too far to help: A shocking look at a hidden epidemic in pediatric care when complex disease, lack of research, and the limits of child protection collide.

Kids with complex and uncommon diseases whose care is too complicated for mainstream medicine are getting tossed around from specialist to specialist, abandoned, and accused of psychological disorders.

They often live with chronic pain and other disabling symptoms, but are unable to get the help they need because they are considered too medically complex, legally risky, or worse, because their parents are accused of over-medicalizing or abusing them.

Filmed over seven years, “Complicated” focuses on young people with one of the most prevalent of these conditions, a connective-tissue disease called Ehler’s-Danlos syndrome (EDS).

In the film we learn that Elvis had it, which explains his wild dance moves and pain pill addiction.

A Miss America had it, but you’d never know.

It’s a variable condition with symptoms that can be mild or deadly, but what differentiates EDS and other complicated illnesses is their invisibility—a lack of research, awareness and accurate diagnostics—which too often leads to medical gaslighting and denial of treatment or insurance coverage.

In a time when the failures of healthcare in America are coming under scrutiny, “Complicated” takes the viewer into the hidden world of brave young people trying to survive with a complex illness, mothers risking loss of custody to help them, and medical and child protective systems failing them at every turn.

But through advocating for themselves and researching their own disease genetics, a glimmer of hope appears on the horizon.

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