Watch the trailer for THE MARVELS, In Theaters on November 10

Jesus Figueroa
1 minute read
(Info from press release)

Mark your calendar! On November 10th, THE MARVELS arrives, the exciting new film from Marvel Studios that will take you to a cinematic universe where a trio of heroines join forces to save the universe.
Discover how Carol Danvers, portrayed by the talented actress Brie Larson, returns to the big screen as Captain Marvel to embark on an thrilling adventure. This time, she teams up with Iman Vellani as Ms. Marvel, a young heroine with unique powers, and Carol's estranged niece, astronaut and Captain Monica Rambeau, played by Teyonah Parris. Together, these three powerful women combine their strengths to restore balance in a universe affected by the Kree. Join the exciting journey of this unusual trio of heroines who will not only entertain us but also impart a valuable lesson about the power of teamwork and the importance of unity in the battle against evil.
In addition to the talented actresses mentioned, the film features an outstanding cast that includes figures like Samuel L. Jackson, Zawe Ashton, Seo Joon Park, Zenobia Shroff, Mohan Kapur, and many others. This ensemble of talent ensures a deep and enriching immersion into the movie's universe.

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