Young musician Cody Newman’s vocal abilities garner praise

Jesus Figueroa

Written by Jesus Figueroa

@ThisFunktional of

Fifteen-year-old Cody Newman was named one of 102.7 KIIS FM’s Next Up Artist.

The youthful Newman’s latest single “Palo Alto” just released on September 18, but she said there is still more music she has to release soon.

The natural talent is clear to those who watch her perform covers and originals on her Instagram (@CodyNewmanMusic) and YouTube (Cody Newman) live performances.

“I try to incorporate music into my everyday life, for multiple hours of the day,” Newman said. “Whether it’s listening to music, singing my favorite song in the car, or, I do alot of instagram, TikTok, or YouTube videos of me performing a song or a tidbit of a song for people online. I incorporate that into my practice”

Growing her social media is not only something that’s important to Newman for exposure, it’s a place where she can interact with fans and friends.

For Newman when people find her on social media she hopes she can provide a space where they feel they can interact and be safe.

“I try to form a connection with my fans and see what they like,” Newman said. “Most of the time, if they find me of course, we have similar interests. I try to build on that and build a small community, which eventually build I to a large community, because they will tell friends and friends of friends. It’s a really loving place where everyone feels safe.”

As with any art, putting work out for the world to critique is bound to get both positive and negative comments and a young artist who experiments with different genres, some that may not always mesh with the style fans are use to from her, may have second guess themselves in putting so much of themselves out there, but Newman has a maturity in the way she faces the criticism when putting her music out for the world.

“Well, there’s alot of people that are going to tell me that I can’t, but it’s my life,” Newman said. “That’s what I always say. As long as I am passionate about it and I feel it’s the right way to do and the right choice, I am okay with putting my music out in the world.”

Newman’s age may have some people thinking that she is too young to be in the music industry, but she believes that when it comes to creativity, age does not matter.

Taking rejection well and being able to continue to move forward regardless is trait all artists need to gain, because no matter the age, artists have turbulent times.

“So, I have had alot of people tell me no,” Newman said. “But, I also have a lot of people telling me yes. Those yeses stand out and build up my career.”

As Newman builds her music portfolio by releasing singles and EPs, as well as playing live events — such as she did for 102.7 KIIS FM in Los Angeles — she attends an Art School where she is a vocal major.

The art school is lenient on attendance or with late work when it comes helping her progress her music career.

With so much positivity around Newman, the support from family helps her continue on through her journey.

“(My parents) are extremely supportive,” Newman said. “They are with me every step of the way and they will always be.”


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